Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trip Down The Rio San Juan

Okay... time to crap a lot into a little.  Haven't done an update for over a month, and I just don't have the energy to give every place we visited the full attention it deserved.  But we can certainly share a few highlights.  It started with a trip down the Rio San Juan to a town that we really loved... Sabalos
Sabalos is a couple hours down the river from San Carlos, it's given the miss by most travelers heading down whom choose between here and El Costello.  We liked Sabalos the most and ended up just staying here, but visting all.  Above is a picture of 1 side of the town that is split by a river.

Just liked this cow, with the stick tied to his nech... locals told us it was so he didn't/wouldn't get caught up in the barbed wire fence.
Heading down the Rio a little further...
El Costello from the river as we go over some rapids on the way to Indo Miaz, to do a Jungle walk...  Thats an old fort used to protect foreign invaders whom boat their way up the Rion into the heart of Nicaragua.

Indo Miaz... Quite the Jungle.

Walking Palm... we're told they have proved these things can actually move (in some instances up to 10m over a period of years) just to get in a better position to stay in the light.

Caimens... the Rivers full of them, and you see them all the time as you boat down.

A visit to El Costillo to see the fort.

Last night in our favorite bar in Sabalos.  Overlooks the town, with the best bartender in the world.  We spent a couple hours here every night we were in town.

Last stop on the Rio... the odd ghost of a town San Jaun De Nicaragua.  No cars here, because there are no roads to get there.  Can only get here by boat.  Next we were off to Corn Islands, but not until we took the worst boat ride in the world.  If only we had pictures...


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