Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Sea Life

A little of ourselves, and a little of what we saw. Unfortunately the pictures could use some touching up, but we'll have to do that when we get home. All this obviously looks much better in person! This is only a taste of our experience.
A nice little turtle... one 4 or 5 we saw I believe.
Spent almost as much time underwater over these 2 days as the fish.
Porcupine fish.
Scorpion fish... can be hard to find/see. Very well camouflaged with the coral as you can see, but very dangerous if you were to touch them.
Sea horse, a fixture on the Elephant Rock dive site.
Sting ray.
Just prior to going in, getting geared up...
Still down there...
Leopard shark.
Lion fish
Lots of fish!
And the highlight of the trip. We saw Manta Rays on every dive of our last 4. They were amazing, and just as curious in us as we were them. Our best dive included them circling us for 20 minutes. We have some great videos of this as well, which is a treat because they are so graceful to watch when swimming. Such a cool creature!That is it for Thailand... for now. We'll be back though. We're off to Cambodia later this morning. We'll talk to you then.


At 4:22 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Argghh!! I did 50 dives thru SE Asia and didn't get 1 Manta Ray. Very jealous!! That is a great picture as well.

At 5:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but we didn't manage to see a whale shark, or hammer heads. I would happily trade two Mantas for that experience...


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