Monday, March 02, 2009

Diving In the Andamans

In short... diving in the Andaman Islands were nothing short of fantastic. Between the 2 of us, we managed 22 dives in the short 10 day stay...This was our dive boat for the majority of our dives.
One of our favorite dive sites... visibility as very clear, and as in places it wasn't too deep a person could do some great snorkeling here as well.
One of the many eels we came across...

I just liked this picture... I'm not even sure what kind of fish these 2 were. But it was funny they went everywhere as a pair, never straying from each other. From what I saw anyway.
Jillene the poser...

One of many turtle...

Napoleon Wrasse fish... this guy was huge, would have weighed about 250 pounds I'm guessing...
Lion fish...
This little guy was hard to capture on the Camera, and I mean hard! To give you an idea of how small he was, this picture is probably 10 times his actually size...

A Potato Grouper, as you can see he is quite large. Maybe 150-200 pounds. Our dive master obviously disappeared behind him. he is so friendly though you can actually pet him ~ that is what she's doing!

See snake...
Eric the Swede running low on air, so much that he needed a little help from a friend on the way up!

A Nudi branch or sea slug... not sure which. I've never been good at all the names...

Can you see the fish in the above picture? Below is a tip/clue. They're called Stone Fish and are actually bloody dangerous. One the most deadly fish in the see. If you touch them one their back and get jabbed by one of the spikes you'll not be a happy camper. If you manage to live through the pain, you'll be lucky to keep your limb let alone get any significant amount of function back in it. Not too cool considering these fish are next to impossible to see...
Scorpion fish... Well camouflaged as well, but still much easier to see than the Stone fish.


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