So we arrived in Banos not really knowing what to expect. We knew it would be carnival, but we didn't know how it would be celebrated, or if it was even big here. Turns out we picked a great spot; as this was a major destination for all party goers, and the streets were packed. The hotels were too unfortunately, as we eneded up staying in a locals house the first night until we were finally able to make reservations in a hotel for the next.
A little taste of what it was like to walk around on the streets. People are constantly shooting you with aresol cans loaded with some type of soapy foam... Was pretty messy, and made for an interesting long weekend.
We definitley took part in the festivities, but I seemed to have little choice. No idea why, but I couldn't go anywhere without getting blasted ~ I seemed to be a favorite target of the little kids. This is one of the better (more successful) assults I received from a team of 6-8 minature people. They realy like going for the face apparently... can you tell?
Jillene just brought it on herself...
A chaotic streets that you didn't dare walk down unless you wanted to get blasted with foam, bombed by water balloons, or in a few instances egged!
End of the first day, thought we would document it. We were going to head indoors, shower, and hide!
A welcom respite from the crazy town and it's never ending supply of foam, and water ballons. We decided to go for a hike in the hills/mountains that surrounded Banos. Lots of great hikes to do around here, so you're never without something to do!
We hiked to this 'waterfall'. And although I wouldn't really call it a waterfall, and it was still pretty cool to see because of the canyon it came out of. Maybe if the water level was higher...
Our next excursion was on bikes leaving the town of Banos. It's 'mostly downhill' as the town is situated 'not quite at the base of a big volcanoe'. One the road leaving town, there seems to be a never ending supply of waterfalls, and thus we began our 'waterfall tour'
Our wheels...
A cable car that apparently they were testing out on a dog? :)
He seemed to enjoy it atleast...
Double waterfall...
Smalll waterfall...
Far waterfall...
Whoops, flat tire... need to repair. Luckily enough we were sent out with a tool kit, including a new tube, and a bike pump that didn't work!
Yup, more waterfalls!
Time to take a bath...
Thats enough waterfalls! For now... more to come. Was a great way to spend a day. But after 4 days in Banos it was tme to do some rafting/kayaking. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures (for obvious reasons), but the following week was spent on or near the rives in Tena and El Chaco. We've got some pictures from El Chaco that I'll try and get up on here...
Glad to see you finally had a bath Derk, ha ha.. Miss you but so glad this leg of your trip is so wonderful!! Loved talking to you too!! Enjoy..
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