Thursday, January 19, 2012

Auntie Jen's Photo Shoot and a few others...

Just weighed the little guy yesterday and he's up to 10 1/2 lbs.  So he's getting big fast; too fast if you ask me.  But it's a testiment to his health and moms milk.  So we're happy!

Jillene was excited to try out Jennifer's expertise in taking baby photos, so we booked a photo shoot.  Got a few good ones; but that is to be expected when I we combined took a little more than 500 shots over 3 hours (between feedings and sessions of cleaning up a few evactuations of the bowel).  Going to need to buy a bigger hard drive!  This is getting crazy...
 The mornin of the photo shoot... should have booked it a little earlier.  We were wide awake and has some 'gas smiles'. 

 The following pictures were supposed to be more like above pic, but somebody was a little too tired!  :)

 My favorite expression of his that he drops all the time... could use a little more lower lip though. He likes to extend that right out most days.  I think we snapped this pic just as it was retracting...

 He enjoyed wearing a tie as much as I do...  He wasn't quite so content in most of the other pics!


The family.


At 3:32 p.m., Blogger Leigh said...

That is fabulous, and there were a few new ones.. I had guessed you took at least 500.. so better start backing up on disc's He is such an easy little guy by the looks of it!

At 3:50 p.m., Blogger Leigh said...

emm... two things... that isn't a gas smile.. and at the top you have written "Adventures at home and on the Road starring Derrick, Jillene and now Delcan!" check your spelling.. ha ha


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