The Crew
A quick look at a few things we're leaving behind, and whom we'll miss...
Jillene's niece Katie!
Jillene's brother-in-law Scott, and Katie!
Ham and Lori whoms wedding we'll sadly miss.
Hofer and Jen, whoms wedding we'll just make it back for!
Curtis, Jamie, and baby Mason whom will probably be able to beat me in an arm wrestle by the time I get back.
Neighbors and friends, Chris, Lindsay, and baby Ainslie (hope I spelled that right). Hopefully they don't replace me and find some other crazy dude to drink beer with on their back patio while I'm away. Chris I couldn't find a picture of you!
Last but not least, my nephews, and entire family. Unfortunately there isn't enough room on the blog for all their pictures! But these are a couple favorites...
We'll see you when we get back. Keep in touch when you can, and be safe. We'll miss you all!