Time to slow things down a bit! It's been an epic month in Colombia, and same goes for the weeks spent on the road in Costa Rica and Panama. I kept a little tally so I could track what we were putting Delcan through; and it added up to the following:
22 different Hotels/Hostels
23 Taxis
20 Buses
5 Flights (excluding getting to Costa Rica in December)
Although Declan was doing great and taking it all in stride. He was getting a lot of lap time with mom and dad, or was always in our arms as we saw the sites. He had a serious shortage of opportunities to get down and play/crawl, and our little budget rooms never seemed to have much room to move. We always planned to find a place somewhere near a beach to spend some time and really get to know. Well Cartagena is that place, and our apartment that we managed to score is nothing short of amazing...
This is us on route to Cartagena, our new home for the next month. Declan is enjoying another one of his newly acquired favorite foods ~ french fries! Yeah, not the healthiest, we're definitely not in the running for parents of the year, but sometimes when you're on the move and kids are hungry, options can be a little limiting! :)
We filled the bottom drawer of our new living room drawer with Declan toys. We thought it would be a perfect place for them. Of course it took 2 minutes for the inevitable to happen...
Yup, just made sense to play with the toys right in the drawer, why bother pulling them out...
Have to keep an eye on this guy, he's fearless when it comes to climbing...
The next month will be spent doing a number of things, and we're already worried about how fast it will go by. There is no shortage of activities. There are a number of sites to seen Cartagena itself. We're going to visit the Rosario Islands just off the coast, and look into San Andres as well. Our apartment is right on the beach, and it's 'the place' for kite boarding with dozens of kite boarders out everyday. I'm definitely going to look into that and we'll see if I can remember those skills learned in the Philippines and Thailand. Our apartment complex has a really nice gym, so between that and runs on the beach we'll see if we can get our fitness levels back up to snuff. As well, we've hired a Spanish teacher, so hopefully we can make some strides in that department.
But more than anything, I'm sure we'll be logging some serious pool time! We have 5 different pools here, and a few of them are GREAT for young kids like Declan with huge shallow sections. He loves it so much, and we love it as well because of the smiles and laughs we get out of him while we play. We're all very much looking forward to the next month spent here, and we feel like we chose the best place for us...