This is how you get around in Flores. A bus (and this was the nicest) which is packed full of people. Basically take the number of people it is designed for, and then triple the amount of people you put into it. You sit anywhere you can. People ride on the roof, hang out the door, sit in isles, and even on your lap if you let them! No airconditioning, my favorite spot was hanging out the door standing up. Gave my knees a rest! If you look closely, there is a pig in the cage tied to the back of the bus, and 2 goats tied to the top. 1 goat sat on Jillenes bag, and Gunnars bag was on top of the other. Jillene is convinced her goat peed on her bag... it did smell a little funny after!In the small town of Moni we stayed in the bungalow below. Simple, but nice! A waterfall in Moni where we saw a kid climb 2/3 the way up and then jumped in. The walls were pretty slick so I have no idea how he got up there even though we watched him.The main reason we came to Flores. Kelimutu is a volcano and at the top of it you can see 3 lakes which are all different colour due to mineral composition. The cool thing is they change all the time. The day we were there they were brown, black, and green. Apprently they can be red and yellow as well. We got up at 3:30am to make it to the top for sunrise.It was tough travelling in Flores, so we took a day before we left waiting for our flight and relaxed on a beach. A quick fact on Flores, most of the places on the island don't have power, and if they do it isn't until after 9:00 at night and only for a little while (mostly provided by a generator I believe). Also, water must be scarce because so are showers ~ nothing like 3 days of sticky sweat when your crammed into a bus with no airconditioning in 35 degrees! As well, Flores is for the most part a little off the beat and path, so white people aren't too common. We flelt like celebrities cause you can't walk by anyone without them trying out the only english words they know: 'Hello Mista'.
Below is how we spent our last day, and the hut we stayed in. We flew out of Maumere the next afternoon after hiring a couple motorbikes to get us to the airport.And that is it for Indonesia. We're back in Bali for the moment, but flying out tomorrow night (Thursday). We used all 30 days permitted on our Visa, and we wish we had more. But at the same time we still have so much more to see. We fly to KL (Malaysia Peninsula) first for a couple days, and then to Borneo after for 3 weeks. We'll do some more diving (hopefully get our advanced) and make it back just in time for the wedding in Singapore.